“I miss flying!”

Photo by Janiere Fernandez on Pexels.com

Everyone around me seems to miss the days when they can just board the plane and fly. During this challenging period, the airlines were scrambling to push out various plans and packages such as “fly to nowhere” initiatives, allowing people to board the plane just to take a meal, or even allowing people to order and have their in-flight meals delivered to their doorsteps. These just proved that people really enjoy the flying experience and missed it dearly, and there was opportunity to market such service to the masses. How about me? Well, I don’t.

For some reasons, I had never really enjoyed flying. Perhaps it’s because I am too poor to fly business class or first class all the time (for the record, I did flew business class once, although it was a short flight distance), but even so, I really don’t fancy the time wasted on the plane (and the time wasted before boarding) just to travel to somewhere else. That’s probably the reason why I always chose to have overnight flight just so that I could stay asleep and forget about the whole journey on plane. I had never felt any enjoyment from taking a flight. Yes, some flights do provide very good services and taking good care of their passengers onboard, but perhaps it’s the introverted self of me simply dislike the chaos ensued by having hundreds of strangers locked down within a confined space.

As such, none of those plans and packages appealed to me, and whenever people around me screamed “I want to fly!”, I simply couldn’t return them with any positive emotion respond. I like travelling to places, but no, I don’t like the flying process in between. Considering all modes of transport, I am probably more of a train person I guess? Anyway, until the day when teleportation becomes reality, I could only continue to fly to places despite not being my cup of tea.

One thought on ““I miss flying!”

  1. Not crazy about flying either. I enjoy the actual sensation of flying, but I don’t enjoy being cramped in a seat for 10+ hours. Short flights, I’m excited for. Long ones, all I can think of is how sore my butt is going to be from sitting.

    In addition, I’ve never flown business nor first class. Maybe never will haha. Hope the ‘Art of Flying’ comes to you one day.

    Great post!


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