Landscape photography on location

I have shared before in this blog that one of the YouTube channels that I’m currently following is the one from Thomas Heaton, a landscape photographer based in England. I enjoyed watching his videos and works not because he shoots epic landscape photographs (which he does), but the part of him that draws me the most are his sincerity, genuineness, and perhaps, frankness. Following his journey in photography often reminds me of my past, the struggles, the excitements, the burned out, the ups and downs, and this is indeed the truth behind photography, the ugly side of things that not often shown to others.

While I don’t love every single images from him, I do enjoy viewing most of his works and photographs. Therefore, when he announced the release of his personal photobook (it was quite a while back), I decided to chip in my support and bought a copy. I was among the first batch to receive his book, and I must say I really enjoyed reading his book. There isn’t a specific theme to the book, it is more like a collection of his best landscape works in one book, together with the “behind the scene” story leading to each shot. There are links to his YouTube video (for some photos) as well if you would like to see him in action.

One of my favourite photos from Thomas was the shot of frosted tree titled “Star of the Show”, I really like the colour palette, the mood and the atmosphere that the photo brought out. His collection includes photos of grand vista, epic locations such as Patagonia and Namibia Dessert, as well as almost-macro-level detail shots of fallen leaves and patterns from the least prominent locations.

If you are a fan of this photos, this book will not disappoint. If not, you can always start from his YouTube channel to get to know him a little more. Till then.

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